Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Shelby SSC Ultimate Aero II

U.S. brand Shelby Supercars will launch it´s new supercar, it will be the world´s fastest production car built (The Bugatti Veryon Supersport currently holds the record). The SSC Ultimate Aero II, is a supercar to rival the 1200 hp of the Veyron SuperSport, According to sources close to the brand, the model will have a 6.8 liters twin-turbocharged V8 engine with a power close to 1400 hp. With a body made of carbon fiber, the supercar weighs only 2,600 pounds, allowing it to reach 0-60 mph in just 2.8 seconds and reach 275 mph top speed. Source: Blessthisstuff

More photos after the super fast click.

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